My Goals

There is so much confusion around one of the most common procedures for men in the world. As someone who elected to undergo the procedure as an adult, I wish to pass on my insight from someone who has been old enough to remember being both uncircumcised and circumcised and to help other men make up their minds to either take the plunge or stay  as they are.

I have shared my circumcision experience on a separate page for anyone who is curious but i do warn you that there are full nudity images on there and that you are of an appropriate age to view that content before you agree.

If you have any questions outside of what is on this site, or wish to share your own experience, which I can also host on this site if you choose please contact me

Why I chose to become circumcised

I live in the UK where circumcision is around 20% of all males from a 2022 study with a global average of about 1/3rd, with countries like the USA South Korea and Africa, and the middle east having the highest %.
The UK doesn’t routinely circumcise and our National Health Service usually go to great lengths to avoid the procedure where possible. 

For myself, I got interested quite early on before I even knew what the procedure was called due to my dad being cut and not really caring that I saw him naked and I did think how much cleaner it all looked. At the age I was it stayed nothing but a curiosity. As I grew up I started to learn more at school in Religious Education which sparked my interest even more as I learned what the procedure was called and what it actually entailed. In the late 90s there wasn’t much in terms of readily available Internet access it was there for sure but nothing like there is now. So even though I was still very curious it wasn’t till my late teens or early 20s that I was properly able to do some research and finally took the plunge at about 30.

The main reasons I decided to get cut were as follows

  • Aesthetics a circumcised penis just looks so much better
  • I had an elephants trunk of a foreskin but only an average-length frenulum so I was never able to get my skin pulled tight not even close 
  • I was constantly worried about ripping my frenulum (as above)

Other reasons to become circumcised

There are several reasons why people decide to undergo the procedure, three of the most common being:

  • Aesthetics
  • Religious reasons Islam and Judaism are 2 examples that practice routine circumcision
  • Medical reasons, for example, phimosis which is a condition where the foreskin opening can’t stretch enough to allow the glans to pass through the foreskin opening. This can be is serious and if you have it please contact your doctor. There are some non-surgical options that may work but circumcision is probably the fastest and most effective

Other reasons are:

  • Hygiene (Far easier to keep clean and smell free)
  • Reduced risk of contracting some STD’s HIV for one. Some places in Africa offer free circumcision to help curb the spread of HIV. I will link a paper for this in the Useful Links. Please be aware safe sexual practices are still encouraged as a chance reduction still means you can catch it circumcised or not
  • Helps reduce bacterial vaginosis in sexual parter of some one who is circumcised
  • Decreased risk of urinary tract infection 
  • Decreased risk of penile cancer 

The last 2 on this list are rare conditions and there isn’t enough evidence one way or the other to prove 100% that circumcision helps reduce the risk

Food For Thought

Like with any operation there are some risks associated with an operation no matter how minor, the risks of circumcision are quite rare the most common being:

  • Bleeding. I had this I did ask my surgeon if he had had it before and apparently I was the first for him years of practice. This was easily enough sorted 

Other issues include:

  • Reduction in sensitivity of the glans. Due to the process of keratinization which is the thickening of the glans / inner foreskin due to being permanently exposed.
    The loss of sensitivity topic is debated but no proof 1 way or the other, all I can say is to research the type of circumcision you wish as I would think a high style that keeps more inner foreskin and all the nerve endings that come with that. 
    Through my own experience, I have noticed nothing, it is more like blinking your eyes you don’t feel as much until your thinking about it and then you notice it clearly
  • Scar tenderness, this should fade in time it can take up to 1 year for everything to be 100% healed
  • Follow-up circumcision may be required if you don’t get the desired outcome 1 example not having enough foreskin removed 

Debated Issues Related to Circumcision

One of the most debated and controversial aspects of circumcision is routine newborn circumcision and having no choice in the procedure. 
I am very much for circumcision but also very much in favor of your body and your decision, so you should be old enough to make this decision for yourself, which is also the main reason behind a lot of protests and rallies over the procedure

The 2 major ones are countries like the US where the procedure is so common most parents won’t even consider not having their child circumcised. Though the infant rates are coming down some studies show as much as 10% over 30 years (1981 – 2010) to a 58% average.

The 2nd is infant circumcision based on religion

For Jews, The Brit Milah is one of their commandments based on a covenant between God and Abraham that every male will be circumcised

For Muslims, it is one of the rules of Cleanliness, a core aspect of the muslim faith