No 2 circumcision results are the same every penis is different so the results of the surgery differ in some way from one to another.

There are fundamentally about 4 styles and they are described below. These styles though are mainly defined by 2 distinct ways to circumcise.

Tight or loose

This is based on how much skin is removed during surgery. This directly determines how much of your glans is exposed when flaccid 

A loose style has less skin removed meaning you will have more skin on your shaft to play with when erect. When flaccid you may have some bunching of skin behind the corona (rim) of your penis. Some even looser styles may still have some coverage of the glans.

For a tight style, more skin is removed so there is no skin movement when erect and when flacid you will have the corona of your penis fully exposed with little skin bunching

Low or High

This is the scar placement on your shaft. If you have a low style the scar is closer to the glans this also means that more inner foreskin is removed giving a cleaner look. A High style is the exact opposite where more of the sensitive inner foreskin remains to leave a scar line further down the penis shaft.

The Styles

Below is each of the 4 styles explained with images

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The top line is uncut and uncut retracted for reference
Low and Loose

This style removes most of the inner foreskin while removing the least amount of foreskin available. The nature of this style could still lead to some bunching of skin behind the corona and potential partial coverage of the glans when flacid. This style does remove a lot of the sensitive inner foreskin, but keeps the scar close to the head of the penis

Low and tight

Like the previous style, this one removes a lot of the inner foreskin but removes more shaft skin overall resulting in a much tighter style and will as a result keep the glans permanently exposed including the corona. 

High and loose

This style like low and loose can leave a fair bit of extra skin which will cause some bunching behind the corona. This style though keeps a lot more of the sensitive inner foreskin and places the scar further down the shaft

High and Tight

This is probably one of the most common styles in the world as is the style that the Gomco Clap produces which is used in the United States for infant circumcision.

This style keeps more inner foreskin while keeping that tighter style keeping the glans and corona full exposed even when flacid

Extra Thoughts

The above are the extremes of each style and you can talk to your surgeon about something a bit between 2 styles. For example, a more moderate circumcision where you are basically in the middle not high not low not loose, and not tight.
Partial circumcision is also possible which might be desirable if you have an abnormally long foreskin for example. Where you have your foreskin shortened but not enough to produce the full circumcision look.


This is something you need to think about before choosing your style. For those that aren’t sure your frenulum is the skin bridge that connects the glans to the penis shaft. A Frenuloplasty removes this skin bridge. 

Some styles of circumcision will more likely favor this by default, more so the low styles due to how much inner skin is removed. This possibly could apply to the high styles also it depends on how long your frenulum is and if the surgeon thinks it might cause an issue. I had a high and loose style and was able to keep my frenulum. This is something to bring up with your surgeon during your consultation.

It is also possible to have a frenuloplasty on its own if you so desire