The Before
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Day 0 the Clinic

I was asked to sit down and was asked why I wanted to be circumcised which I mentioned was due to having too much skin which is the primary issue I was having, he then asked anything I need to ask so I mentioned style and he asked why style id like where I said wanted to keep more inner skin so a high and a little loose so more a regular type tightness, I was then asked to sign the consent form and told to lie on the surgical table, chain and take my clothes off but I was allowed to keep a shirt on. By now my heart was ultra pounding in my chest and the came in with the needle this was the worse bit I was thinking off but it didn’t hurt just felt like was peen pushed in hard and putting pressure on my fat pad, I was so scared of this bit and it was nothing no pain just discomfort. After this my anxiety vanished and I could relax I had to wait about 15 mins before anything happened and I was leaking precum and I though oh for fuck sake but the surgeon didn’t seem to care probably seen it before many times. He did a probing test to see what I could feel and anything I did a little poke more aesthetic and it went num. Once I was fully numb he went about his business, the only thing I was asked was how much inner skin I wanted to keep little medium or a lot I opted for the medium, and he set about doing his thing. Was asked my the nurse once if I was ok which I was just tired of seeing the white ceiling and the smoke detector on the ceiling By the end of it my bum was fast asleep I so needed to move I had been in there 1 ½ hours when I thought it would have been 45 minutes but hey ho, I guess was due to keep needing aesthetic top-ups as my system seemed to metabolize it quite fast. The only bit I saw as the chair was quite flat was my inner skin getting the chop as it was pulled up over my glans pulled tight then cut off. He did his cauterizing and sowed me up. When I got up was all bandaged but I was so light-headed the no food had hit me hard. But I got dressed and went into a waiting room the doctor explained the aftercare which did vary a little on the initial pamphlet no re-bandaging after the 2 days and using a prescribed antiseptic cream after 2 salt baths for 6 days. The doctor left and came back 20 mins later while he was seeing another patient, I was checked 1 last time as was discharged

I did have the fun consequence of having bleeding this only became apparent about 2 hours after and had to go back to the surgery, had to have the nerve block injection again (at least it wasn’t uncomfortable me just an odd bit of pressure) my stitches were cut and was cauterized again. After the doctor was done I was left with no bandages to make sure of no more bleeding, which there wasn’t. I did notice at this point I had kept my frenulum unexpected but not unwelcome.

Day 1

Slept a little light that evening but I did have a high and loose style which for sleeping at least is a good thing not much tugging at stitches. I did have some but it wasn’t anything major easy to sleep through.

Not much to say through the day though was more irritating than sore and had a bit of a lean to 1 side, come on tomorrow when I can lose the bandages

Day 2

No more bandages yay I woke up a little early in anticipation I ran a salt bath and soaked. I started to remove the bandages after 5 minutes and kept going almost all the way down before I had to stop, there was only 1 bit that really stuck but with some gentle prodding it came away nicely I was surprised how little blood was there but I was glad.

I got out and ran a fresh salt bath and just soaked has to wash a little awkwardly as not able to get major soapy but was able to get an ok job only have to do it a couple more times before returning to showers. I do remember looking at my glans and being so glad it’s out 20 years of waiting why the fuck didn’t I do this sooner.

Day 3

Since I removed the bandages my skin has blown up like a balloon as a result the night was a bugger for nocturnal erections not for the pain I no longer had any issues with discomfort but the swelled-up previously inner foreskin and cut pubic hair is so prickly. The salt baths did help keep the anger of the swelling and through the day swelling had started to reduce, all be it slightly.

A side note at this point i was producing alot of pre cum i wasn’t aroused even a little bit guess for me it was just my penis getting used to been cut

Day 4

The swelling has started to reduce much faster now, and no longer quite as aggressive looking. Today was the first time going out to do some walking though I had to find the right hanging position for penis so it didn’t bother me too much. My first stitch popped today also

Day 5

The swelling is continuing to go down and my penis is starting to shrink a little which is good meaning it’s not just what I can visible see swollen that reducing but what’s inside is as well, did pop 2nd stitch today same as the day before not wanting to pull it out as require more force then I feel comfortable doing at the moment

Day 7 1 Week Cut

Nothing super new swelling keeps reducing starting to get more comfortable
I noticed today on the side with the most swelling that I lost about 3 stitches in a single area where they popped but only on 1 type of skin. This opened a small flap of skin that hadn’t attached properly it definitely was partially attached and attached well, with little no to no bleeding just a little from a remaining stitch, a text from the surgeon I was told it was fine and to leave it.

Day 8

The little skin flap ripped at work and boy did it sting; it’s clear it’s healed even more than last night but still. I got some steri-strips from a local to seal the wound I had another salt bath to make sure was clean and applied a bit of the antiseptic cream and cut a steri strip into 2 and put both pieces on.

Day 9

The Steri-strips held got a little loose but held all day, swelling keeps going down the worse side of the swelling is starting to feel quite soft rather than hard and firm, starting to feel more normal now. Had the first shower since the op and boy did I miss them I’m really not a bath person. Did notice the blood blotch from underneath my glans has finally fully gone glans normal colour now.

Day 10

Steri strips held even today; even more comfortable at work still a little achy at times, the swelling keeps seeming to improve can’t wait to look more normal, and can’t wait to J/O starting to feel the impact 1.5 weeks without. Did wake up with a morning wood badly needing a pee I can’t get over how different my hard cock looks now, it looks so thin the swelling is stretched to be not uba noticeable and no skin bunch up behind glans. My frenulum doesn’t seem overly tight when erect either so should have no issues, lost a couple more stitches.

Day 11 - 12

Nothing new to report things progressing nicely swelling keep going down still twinges like hell at times

Day 13

Still progressing nicely

Did have the misfortune of getting very horny so had the choice to either fight to sleep as it was late or wank. I opted to JO 2 weeks is just too long so I lubed up and made sure to stimulate the glans only a horrible way to wank didn’t take long for me to cum and wow what an orgasm I’ve heard the first J/O after the opp is the best and it isn’t a lie it was amazing.

Day 14

Not much to say swelling has notably gone down and thus doesn’t irritate as much anymore, still producing pre cum for no reason but its much better than it was

Day 16

Waking up I noticed a few stitches were loose I managed to pull out at least 6 stitches from the left side of the scar, trying to remove one near my frenulum caused a little bleeding it stopped in 10 seconds but it did bleed a bit, not gona mess with those stitches. Managed to lose another 6 at work leaving only 3 at my frenulum and 4 random places around my dick. I decided to prod and scrap the random ones and got them removed only 3 left at the frenulum area.

This helped alot with comfort no more random tugging

3 Weeks

3 week’s cut been quite steady this week the only issue part of the scar line has been quite tender, I’m attributing it to the temperature dropping as we’re going into late autumn.

Finally dumped the briefs and wearing boxers, healing still improving; did masturbate a few times this week not as explosive as the first couple but they feel better 100% no more annoying foreskin getting in the way.

1 Month

1 month cut, a month feels longer I look back at the pics of me uncut and feel like it was a lifetime ago. The scar is starting to close up nicely; I do believe my surgeon left 1 side with a bit more skin than the other, swelling is 98% gone and only still tender at my frenulum area, I will have to be careful masturbating as occasionally it causes me to swell up. My glans has started to feel dry now, and feelings from external sources also getting under control I forget I’m cut most of the day, but what I’ve noticed when masturbating it has made 0 difference. Started to apply skin care oil to get the scar to repair quickly and neatly.

2 Years

2 years later and I have only 1 regret why didn’t I have this done earlier, so much debating. Either way, it got done eventually.

The scar behind my frenulum took around a year to fully heal as it was still sore when pressure was applied, it doesn’t bother me at all now.

For the style I had high and loose I definitely like and I love still having my frenulum I just wish it was a bit tighter, but not enough to get me to go through the procedure again.

My opinions on the procedure are completely unaffected, and a lot of the myths surrounding circumcision are well a lot of well myths from my point of view. Sensitivity is not affected, yes during the day your brain tunes sensations out but it’s very much like blinking you don’t notice it until you think about it, and then it’s very obvious.

Cleanliness definitely improved 100%, no matter now clean you are having a foreskin keeps things trapped